CONTRACT POLLINATIONWe at Ilog Maria Honeybee Farms have been renting out our honeybees for contract pollination since 1980. To date, we have incidentally...
OUR BEEKEEPINGStarting in Honeybees I started keeping honeybees in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, in the late 1970's. It began as a hobby, with two...
ALTERNATIVE FUELS & ENERGYWe live a natural lifestyle. Our business uses natural ingredients. We sell all natural products. In 2006, we started losing our bees to...
HOW MY BEES CURED MY STROKE PARALYSISIt was a Saturday, 3 am, November 13, 2004. I had wakened to go to the bathroom. As I got up, I keeled over, hitting a TV on a low table....
BEE STING THERAPYWe used to do this as a public service. BST jump starts your immune system, much like jump srting a car, when the car's battery is weak....
ILOG MARIA APITHERAPYAPITHERAPY Is the use of bee products to help detoxify your system and bring your body's biochemistry back into balance. Apitherapy best...
LIVING NATURALLYNATURAL LIFESTYLE We live a natural lifestyle. As much as possible, we plant, grow what we eat and use. We care for a vegetable garden....
BENEFITS OF BEE PRODUCTSThe Ilog Maria flows from seven natural springs within the Magsaysay Family's farm in the highlands of Silang, Cavite. Silang- - Cavite's...
THE ILOG MARIA STORYLIFE IN THE FAST LANE I was living life in the fast lane, working hard and playing harder. I tried a series of jobs. I was a hot shot....